Monday, October 12, 2009

My Latest You Tube Video - Country in Crisis

Hi there -

Well here's my 3rd you tube video. Let me just say this one was not easy. It took me like 20 hours to finally get it all together and then get the editing software to actually do it's thing. I would not be defeated though and finally beat it.

This is not for the faint at heart. The message is clear - we better get it together as a country - all the fighting has never really worked out well for us. Time to play nice and take care of things that need to be taken care of.

Let's muscle through the rest of the health care reform stuff so we can move on to the wars and the energy situation. Once we start talking about green energy, more jobs can be created and we can start to be on the road to some sort of financial recovery.

Have a great day everyone. More on health care and the public option next.

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