Monday, August 24, 2009

HealthCare Reform

OK - so here we go.

Last night I finished reading Pres. Obama's Health Care Reform Bill. It was a pretty easy read - 167 pages.

So far, so good - tell me what you think !

For me - the good points are as follows:

I can select my own doctor. I can keep my old plan.

If you have Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, VA, CHIPS or the Federal Employee Health Plan, you keep that too.

The government can not dictate what happens between me and my doctor. Yep it actually is written into the bill.

No Pre-existing Condition Clause
No Dropped Coverage for being Sick or Losing my Job
No Annual or Lifetime Limits on How Much my Illnesses Cost
A Limit on How Many Out of Pocket Dollars I Spend Annually
Children can be on their Parents Coverage Until they're 26
No Illegal Immigrants Covered
A Big Tax Credit for Employers paying for their Employees Coverage
Money Assistance for Low Income Individuals/Families so they can Afford Coverage
It doesn't Interfere with Union Contract Benefits to Employees

Any Individual or Company can Choose to Enroll - or Not Enroll in the Insurance Co. Exchange

States Can Run their Own Exchanges if they Want and if they Meet Certain Rules

And a New Focus on some Important Things in my Nursing World:

A Focus on Discharge Planning, Chronic Condition Management, Free Wellness and Prevention Services, Best Clinical Practice Standards, Electronic Records, Prevention of Hospital Re-admissions.

And Support for a New Program - Community Living Assistance - to Help the Elderly with Activities of Daily Living. This would mean more money for Custodial Care - which is not covered now.

Anyway, as I see it, it's a pretty good bill. All positives in my mind.

Well maybe one scarey thing - CHANGE - and alot of it all at once. I think that's what we all voted on in the last election - well, at least a big majority did. We need change.

I know it's scarey - but it has to start somewhere. The Health Care system is breaking down - it's been happening for years and it will only get worse. I know I sure don't want to be without insurance in 10 - or 15 - or 25 years. I want to be covered and covered well - just like my parents and grandparents.

How about you??? Let me hear your comments, opinions, complaints ! Have fun with it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impress that you actually read Obama's Health Care Plan. Wish more people (like people in the congress and senate) would read it. Thanks for brining some common sense into the debate.
