These are just
some of my ideas. I realize some may be simplistic and unrealistic in
today's society. I am convinced we could get there, but we have to
start to make these changes. We need the conviction as the People to
ensure our future by taking a first step.
Campaign Finance Reform
Starting with the next 4 year election cycle, there would be no more money in politics. That would
include personal or private money. Voting and raising money would no longer be considered
Freedom of Speech. If need be, a Constitutional Amendment would be passed.
Any money donated or raised by any candidates or organizations would go into a fund that would
set up local and statewide election funds to cover the costs of websites or booklets to be
distributed. Individuals and Corporations could still donate money, but full disclosure would be
necessary. And the money just goes into one fund for all candidates, no party divisions. If
politics and the system is so important to you as an individual, your vote should be enough. And if
you just want to help fund the election process, you can still contribute to the fund.
Each candidate would have his own web page and page(s) in a candidate booklet. On this web page
or booklet, it would list the candidates background, what he/she stands on all issues - personal,
social or political. It would also list all personal issues, volunteer or work-related background. If this
person had been a member of Congress, it would list how they've voted on all prior bills while in
that office. If they have plans for how they would run the Country and represent the people, they
could describe some of those important plans and their visions here as well.
There would also be a paid fact-checker position to verify the content was accurate. Any
questionable accuracy would be excluded until proven.
All registered voters would have access to the websites. If voters don't have access to the internet,
booklets would be mailed as is the case now. There would be a deadline for printing so that
citizens would have time to review all candidate information.
The only ads allowed would be ads funded through the election fund itself. Ads would only be able
to state the names of the candidates, the position they were running for and the web site address
and booklet mailing dates. The ads would have to list all candidates running.
To cut down on the possibility of voter fraud, a National ID system would be set up. This would
benefit all Federal and State programs. It would be tied into multiple Government systems so
that anyone who applies for any government or private programs where an ID is required would be
entered into the database.
Also, our representatives would no longer spend as much time in Washington. They would be in
their district offices at least 90% of their time. They would only go to Washington for special business with Congress or the President. All other business would be done through
teleconferencing. This way the representatives would be more accessible and in touch with their
constituents. It would also limit access to lobbyists. The lobbyists would now need to spend their
own money sending their lobbyists out into the field. Strict disclosure laws would apply so that all
constituents would know which lobbyists visited the representatives and what they did to influence them.
Congressman would no longer have lifetime benefits when their terms are over. They would be put on COBRA until they become gainfully employed again and responsible for their own Healthcare benefits.
Financial Reform
All banking institutions would be required to continue to disclose the items that have
been included in the Consumer Protection laws recently enacted. As they try to find loopholes
around the current regulations by making new rules and charging other fees, then they will need to
disclose those changes as well. These changes would not be allowed to be buried in their annual
disclosures. Anything new would need to be in a new mailing to all current customers.
Banks could not block consumers from removing their money from their institutions.
If current or future Administrations want to change consumer protection laws, legislation would
need to be passed in Congress. There would no longer be options to defund regulations passed.
Again if we have to pass a Constitutional Amendment, so be it.
Any contract signed by an institution and an individual would need to follow the basic rules set out
by the Truth and Lending Act. All contracts must be written at the Federal age level for reading, the 6th grade level. The contract would also need to fairly basic and short. It would include basic terms like interest rate, pay off terms, fees and penalties charged, collateral held, contact information and any special State laws pertaining to the contract.
Below is a copy of the new suggestion from the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau. It’s very
short and sweet.
Wall Street Reform would occur. No longer can Wall Street have unlimited power to do with our money whatever they want. There would be strict regulations for gaming and hedge betting.
Social Security Reform
Someone who is intimately involved with the Administration of this program must be in charge
of this reform. It could even be more than 1 person or a group of people, promoted temporarily
from within the Administration.
They would be tasked with comparing the money taken into the program and the money paid out.
They would also be tasked with long term solvency - at least 25 years out so they could look at the
projection of the generational age groups of Americans paying into and collecting SS benefits.
Once a formula is set up, most of the group would go back to their regular jobs - 1 post would
remain in charge of the program to keep an eye on the changes over the years. They would
continue to monitor change on a yearly basis.
This program should be strictly set up for solvency. $1 in = $1 out. Any money made off of
investments made using this money would be excess to be invested for a better return.
Retirement Plans
All companies would set up some kind of pension plan for their employees. Neither the company,
nor the individual would be required to contribute to these plans. Individuals would be
encouraged to contribute to their plans to supplement their social security income.
When an employee leaves a job and goes to work for another company, they could roll over their
retirement plan to the new job without penalties. All employees could move their retirement
money around without penalties.
If the company has record profits, they should be able to raise wages or contribute a small amount
to each employee's plans. They could tie performance or longevity into these contributions. Rules would have to be defined in this arena.
Medicare Reform
Again, someone who is intimately involved in the current workings of Medicare would need to be
The person(s) on the temporary committee would need to look at money taken in and paid out and
compare that over time depending on the generational cross section at the time to assist with projections for solvency of the program.
For now, policy should look at the system as the Health Care Reform Act does – switching from a
System that is corrupt and based on the number of tests or pills prescribed to a system that is
based on pay for performance and outcome measures. The goal would be to control the cost curve
by focusing on health and prevention.
Government Reform
We would finally be required to make up our minds. Let's let the Federal Government do what
the Constitution allows. Whatever is vague as far as the Federal Government's role in society, we'd
need to figure out. If we'd like to expand the Federal Government's role, then we'd need to pass
a Constitutional Amendment. If not, then the State and Local Government would have to step up.
The State and Local Government would need to figure out how to fill those gaps with their
own tax base. The States either want the Federal Government's help or they do not.
Let's decide whether State passed laws supersede Federal law or not. We can't have it both ways.
Then let's allow democracy to work. If the State wants to pass a law for their State and we've
decided that that is the right of the State, then so be it. If a majority votes, the law passes and the
Federal Government must stay out of that issue. The citizens of each State would be able to add
those items back to the ballots at a later time if so desired. The majority should rule on these issues.
No longer would profit be allowed on certain Federal Issues. Our Federal tax dollars would pay for
benefits as they benefit the masses. This includes:
Police and Fire Protection
Defense Contracting
Public School Systems - Primary, Secondary or 2 year College Level
These issues are all under the role of the Federal Government, taking care of the welfare of the
masses. No middlemen. No one should be making profit on the basic needs and rights of
the citizens. Our tax dollars would pay for these items. Any item paid for by the Federal
Government by our Federal tax dollars would be regulated by the Federal Government.
All Police, Fire and EMS Protection would be paid for out of Federal Tax dollars. Private companies
could still compete for business but bidding processes would apply.
Prisons and Defense Contracting would no longer be for profit. Corruptions runs amok in this
model. Prisons would be for violent or repeat offenders, not nuisances. Other penalties and
punishments would be reserved for nonviolent offenders.
Defense money would be ultimately used to protect our troops and provide better benefits for
those who choose to be part of the military.
Equal opportunity for an education would be a right for all Citizens. Our Federal tax dollars would
fund education for all citizens - including through 2 year post-secondary education if so desired.
Private Schools or Charter Schools would still be options. They just could not be subsidized by
the citizens.
School Reform would be changed to a Merit-based system. Suboptimal teachers would no longer
be protected. Labor and Management would need to work together to make the system a better
working system for the students based on outcomes.
Unions would still be able to negotiate working conditions and labor practices. Striking and
lockouts would no longer be options.
All Government agencies would also need to clean their own houses so to speak. They would need
to present their annual budgets to Congress and streamline all practices, get rid of ineffective
policies and regulations, waste and abuse. Agencies can either be merged or separated if they
visions and purposes don't match.
Tax Code Reform
No more deductions or loopholes for any personal Federal Taxes.
Progressive rates would apply based on gross income. All income would be classified and taxed the
same to include wages, non-wage income, capital gains, inheritance taxes, etc..
$0 -$250,000.00 10%
$250,000.00 - $5,000,000.00 15% on income greater than $250,000.00
$5,000,000.00 and above 20% on income greater than $5,000,000.00
Local officials would poll the People in their districts about what programs are important to
them and what programs have shown improved outcomes. They would break their budgets down
and show where all revenues and expenditure are going - line by line.
All Local officials would go to their State Legislature to justify their local tax based revenues and
expenses to reconcile their budgets. The Legislature would then present their budgets to their State
Governor. The Governor then would take the People's State budgets to the Capital for presentation
to Congress. Congress would then present the programs that the People feel are paramount to their
own States. Each year this would happen to insure that the People's tax dollars are spent on what is
necessary and important to them. Majority and Democracy would rule.
Any other State and Local programs would then need to be supported financially by the State and
Local tax revenues. No exceptions. Private and Not for Profits could then petition the People to
support these other items.
Again, all these budget line items would need to be balanced. If the programs we choose to offer to
our citizens cost more than we're taking in as tax revenues, taxes would then need to be increased
or programs would need to be cut. These decisions would be made by the People of the US.
Lobbyists for their causes would need to petition and prove to the People that their needs and
desires are the same as the Peoples'.
Unemployment and Welfare Reform
We would still have a robust safety net program for our citizens, but everyone on those ranks would
need to work for their paycheck in one way or another.
Everyone can do something for their Country. All citizens graduating from high school or a 2-4
year College degree would need to do 2 years of service for their Country - this could include the
Military, the Peace Corps, the Jobs Corps or obtaining a job with their Local, State or Federal
While looking for a job, the unemployed citizens and welfare recipients would go to work
in their communities doing jobs that would benefit the good of all citizens or their local community.
Immigration Reform
Anyone in this Country legally or illegally at this minute would be allowed to stay to work on
their citizenship. Strict rules would apply.
Again, everyone would need some type of National ID or visa - whether it's a student or work visa.
At that point, everyone would need to work toward citizenship who wants to stay. They
would need to pay taxes on their income - payroll, Federal, State and Local taxes.
They would need to learn to read and write English. They would need to get their GED and work
through the testing process to be a citizen. If they drive, they'd need to pass the driver's test
and keep their license up to date. Their children would have to be registered in schools.
They would have to be contributing members of society to stay.
They would have 5 years to accomplish these goals. At the end of that time, if they weren't finished
with all steps, they would be deported or pay a penalty based on how far they had gotten in the
Anyone who has committed violent crimes or felonies would immediately be deported and not
allowed back in.
Any children already here would be allowed to enroll in college. They would be allowed to attain
loans based on ability to repay. They would have 10 years to prove that they wanted to stay here
and be contributing members of our society - working and paying taxes. If not, they too, would be
Business Reform
Minimum wage would increase to 12.00/hour and keep up with inflation and the cost of living.
People need a livable working wage to be able to contribute to society.
This would also decrease the number of citizens on the welfare and food stamps ranks.
Health Care Insurance responsibility would be taken away from Employer-based system.
Healthcare coverage would be a right of all Americans. The Exchange System would still go forward
as would the rest of the Healthcare Affordable Act. Changes would be make, again based on
outcomes and the costs of the system. Pilot studies would still move forward to see what is working
and what isn't.
Insurance companies could still enroll in the Exchanges with regulations for what type of plans could
be offered. The Individual Mandate would still apply. Individuals would be able to choose from
Private insurance companies and a Federal Government Public Option.
Employers would be rewarded for keeping jobs in the US. Their tax rate would be 10%.
Employers who send jobs out of the US would be penalized by paying a Tax rate of 35%. This rate
would be increased if these companies continue to make huge record profits by outsourcing.
No further Federal Government tax subsidies for business would occur on a regular basis.
Tax subsidies would be saved for stimulus in time of need only - when the economy is sluggish and
only for a temporary time period.
Tax subsidies for new and innovative ideas (ie) green energy would be offered to the People, not the
companies. If someone wants to put solar panels on their house, the subsidy to get the programs
tarted would be for the People, not the Corporation, to make a profit. They are a business, the risk
of their vision lies with them to survive.
Great change takes Great Minds, Innovation and Courage. This Country has forgotten this concept.
Instead, the model we've been using has been based on Money, Corruption and Coercion.
We do not have a Capitalistic Society, we live in an Oligarchy. This has to change
to a model of working together, taking care of each other and having Personal Responsibility and
Accountability with a Federal Government that protects those with less power, money, influence
and know how to work within the system by Regulation.
I realize that there will be a lot of people who disagree with these concepts - that's why being an American is awesome. We can all have our own opinions and express them. Other's have the same right to express their beliefs as well.
Campaign Finance Reform
Starting with the next 4 year election cycle, there would be no more money in politics. That would
include personal or private money. Voting and raising money would no longer be considered
Freedom of Speech. If need be, a Constitutional Amendment would be passed.
Any money donated or raised by any candidates or organizations would go into a fund that would
set up local and statewide election funds to cover the costs of websites or booklets to be
distributed. Individuals and Corporations could still donate money, but full disclosure would be
necessary. And the money just goes into one fund for all candidates, no party divisions. If
politics and the system is so important to you as an individual, your vote should be enough. And if
you just want to help fund the election process, you can still contribute to the fund.
Each candidate would have his own web page and page(s) in a candidate booklet. On this web page
or booklet, it would list the candidates background, what he/she stands on all issues - personal,
social or political. It would also list all personal issues, volunteer or work-related background. If this
person had been a member of Congress, it would list how they've voted on all prior bills while in
that office. If they have plans for how they would run the Country and represent the people, they
could describe some of those important plans and their visions here as well.
There would also be a paid fact-checker position to verify the content was accurate. Any
questionable accuracy would be excluded until proven.
All registered voters would have access to the websites. If voters don't have access to the internet,
booklets would be mailed as is the case now. There would be a deadline for printing so that
citizens would have time to review all candidate information.
The only ads allowed would be ads funded through the election fund itself. Ads would only be able
to state the names of the candidates, the position they were running for and the web site address
and booklet mailing dates. The ads would have to list all candidates running.
To cut down on the possibility of voter fraud, a National ID system would be set up. This would
benefit all Federal and State programs. It would be tied into multiple Government systems so
that anyone who applies for any government or private programs where an ID is required would be
entered into the database.
Also, our representatives would no longer spend as much time in Washington. They would be in
their district offices at least 90% of their time. They would only go to Washington for special business with Congress or the President. All other business would be done through
teleconferencing. This way the representatives would be more accessible and in touch with their
constituents. It would also limit access to lobbyists. The lobbyists would now need to spend their
own money sending their lobbyists out into the field. Strict disclosure laws would apply so that all
constituents would know which lobbyists visited the representatives and what they did to influence them.
Congressman would no longer have lifetime benefits when their terms are over. They would be put on COBRA until they become gainfully employed again and responsible for their own Healthcare benefits.
Financial Reform
All banking institutions would be required to continue to disclose the items that have
been included in the Consumer Protection laws recently enacted. As they try to find loopholes
around the current regulations by making new rules and charging other fees, then they will need to
disclose those changes as well. These changes would not be allowed to be buried in their annual
disclosures. Anything new would need to be in a new mailing to all current customers.
Banks could not block consumers from removing their money from their institutions.
If current or future Administrations want to change consumer protection laws, legislation would
need to be passed in Congress. There would no longer be options to defund regulations passed.
Again if we have to pass a Constitutional Amendment, so be it.
Any contract signed by an institution and an individual would need to follow the basic rules set out
by the Truth and Lending Act. All contracts must be written at the Federal age level for reading, the 6th grade level. The contract would also need to fairly basic and short. It would include basic terms like interest rate, pay off terms, fees and penalties charged, collateral held, contact information and any special State laws pertaining to the contract.
Below is a copy of the new suggestion from the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau. It’s very
short and sweet.
Wall Street Reform would occur. No longer can Wall Street have unlimited power to do with our money whatever they want. There would be strict regulations for gaming and hedge betting.
Social Security Reform
Someone who is intimately involved with the Administration of this program must be in charge
of this reform. It could even be more than 1 person or a group of people, promoted temporarily
from within the Administration.
They would be tasked with comparing the money taken into the program and the money paid out.
They would also be tasked with long term solvency - at least 25 years out so they could look at the
projection of the generational age groups of Americans paying into and collecting SS benefits.
Once a formula is set up, most of the group would go back to their regular jobs - 1 post would
remain in charge of the program to keep an eye on the changes over the years. They would
continue to monitor change on a yearly basis.
This program should be strictly set up for solvency. $1 in = $1 out. Any money made off of
investments made using this money would be excess to be invested for a better return.
Retirement Plans
All companies would set up some kind of pension plan for their employees. Neither the company,
nor the individual would be required to contribute to these plans. Individuals would be
encouraged to contribute to their plans to supplement their social security income.
When an employee leaves a job and goes to work for another company, they could roll over their
retirement plan to the new job without penalties. All employees could move their retirement
money around without penalties.
If the company has record profits, they should be able to raise wages or contribute a small amount
to each employee's plans. They could tie performance or longevity into these contributions. Rules would have to be defined in this arena.
Medicare Reform
Again, someone who is intimately involved in the current workings of Medicare would need to be
The person(s) on the temporary committee would need to look at money taken in and paid out and
compare that over time depending on the generational cross section at the time to assist with projections for solvency of the program.
For now, policy should look at the system as the Health Care Reform Act does – switching from a
System that is corrupt and based on the number of tests or pills prescribed to a system that is
based on pay for performance and outcome measures. The goal would be to control the cost curve
by focusing on health and prevention.
Government Reform
We would finally be required to make up our minds. Let's let the Federal Government do what
the Constitution allows. Whatever is vague as far as the Federal Government's role in society, we'd
need to figure out. If we'd like to expand the Federal Government's role, then we'd need to pass
a Constitutional Amendment. If not, then the State and Local Government would have to step up.
The State and Local Government would need to figure out how to fill those gaps with their
own tax base. The States either want the Federal Government's help or they do not.
Let's decide whether State passed laws supersede Federal law or not. We can't have it both ways.
Then let's allow democracy to work. If the State wants to pass a law for their State and we've
decided that that is the right of the State, then so be it. If a majority votes, the law passes and the
Federal Government must stay out of that issue. The citizens of each State would be able to add
those items back to the ballots at a later time if so desired. The majority should rule on these issues.
No longer would profit be allowed on certain Federal Issues. Our Federal tax dollars would pay for
benefits as they benefit the masses. This includes:
Police and Fire Protection
Defense Contracting
Public School Systems - Primary, Secondary or 2 year College Level
These issues are all under the role of the Federal Government, taking care of the welfare of the
masses. No middlemen. No one should be making profit on the basic needs and rights of
the citizens. Our tax dollars would pay for these items. Any item paid for by the Federal
Government by our Federal tax dollars would be regulated by the Federal Government.
All Police, Fire and EMS Protection would be paid for out of Federal Tax dollars. Private companies
could still compete for business but bidding processes would apply.
Prisons and Defense Contracting would no longer be for profit. Corruptions runs amok in this
model. Prisons would be for violent or repeat offenders, not nuisances. Other penalties and
punishments would be reserved for nonviolent offenders.
Defense money would be ultimately used to protect our troops and provide better benefits for
those who choose to be part of the military.
Equal opportunity for an education would be a right for all Citizens. Our Federal tax dollars would
fund education for all citizens - including through 2 year post-secondary education if so desired.
Private Schools or Charter Schools would still be options. They just could not be subsidized by
the citizens.
School Reform would be changed to a Merit-based system. Suboptimal teachers would no longer
be protected. Labor and Management would need to work together to make the system a better
working system for the students based on outcomes.
Unions would still be able to negotiate working conditions and labor practices. Striking and
lockouts would no longer be options.
All Government agencies would also need to clean their own houses so to speak. They would need
to present their annual budgets to Congress and streamline all practices, get rid of ineffective
policies and regulations, waste and abuse. Agencies can either be merged or separated if they
visions and purposes don't match.
Tax Code Reform
No more deductions or loopholes for any personal Federal Taxes.
Progressive rates would apply based on gross income. All income would be classified and taxed the
same to include wages, non-wage income, capital gains, inheritance taxes, etc..
$0 -$250,000.00 10%
$250,000.00 - $5,000,000.00 15% on income greater than $250,000.00
$5,000,000.00 and above 20% on income greater than $5,000,000.00
Local officials would poll the People in their districts about what programs are important to
them and what programs have shown improved outcomes. They would break their budgets down
and show where all revenues and expenditure are going - line by line.
All Local officials would go to their State Legislature to justify their local tax based revenues and
expenses to reconcile their budgets. The Legislature would then present their budgets to their State
Governor. The Governor then would take the People's State budgets to the Capital for presentation
to Congress. Congress would then present the programs that the People feel are paramount to their
own States. Each year this would happen to insure that the People's tax dollars are spent on what is
necessary and important to them. Majority and Democracy would rule.
Any other State and Local programs would then need to be supported financially by the State and
Local tax revenues. No exceptions. Private and Not for Profits could then petition the People to
support these other items.
Again, all these budget line items would need to be balanced. If the programs we choose to offer to
our citizens cost more than we're taking in as tax revenues, taxes would then need to be increased
or programs would need to be cut. These decisions would be made by the People of the US.
Lobbyists for their causes would need to petition and prove to the People that their needs and
desires are the same as the Peoples'.
Unemployment and Welfare Reform
We would still have a robust safety net program for our citizens, but everyone on those ranks would
need to work for their paycheck in one way or another.
Everyone can do something for their Country. All citizens graduating from high school or a 2-4
year College degree would need to do 2 years of service for their Country - this could include the
Military, the Peace Corps, the Jobs Corps or obtaining a job with their Local, State or Federal
While looking for a job, the unemployed citizens and welfare recipients would go to work
in their communities doing jobs that would benefit the good of all citizens or their local community.
Immigration Reform
Anyone in this Country legally or illegally at this minute would be allowed to stay to work on
their citizenship. Strict rules would apply.
Again, everyone would need some type of National ID or visa - whether it's a student or work visa.
At that point, everyone would need to work toward citizenship who wants to stay. They
would need to pay taxes on their income - payroll, Federal, State and Local taxes.
They would need to learn to read and write English. They would need to get their GED and work
through the testing process to be a citizen. If they drive, they'd need to pass the driver's test
and keep their license up to date. Their children would have to be registered in schools.
They would have to be contributing members of society to stay.
They would have 5 years to accomplish these goals. At the end of that time, if they weren't finished
with all steps, they would be deported or pay a penalty based on how far they had gotten in the
Anyone who has committed violent crimes or felonies would immediately be deported and not
allowed back in.
Any children already here would be allowed to enroll in college. They would be allowed to attain
loans based on ability to repay. They would have 10 years to prove that they wanted to stay here
and be contributing members of our society - working and paying taxes. If not, they too, would be
Business Reform
Minimum wage would increase to 12.00/hour and keep up with inflation and the cost of living.
People need a livable working wage to be able to contribute to society.
This would also decrease the number of citizens on the welfare and food stamps ranks.
Health Care Insurance responsibility would be taken away from Employer-based system.
Healthcare coverage would be a right of all Americans. The Exchange System would still go forward
as would the rest of the Healthcare Affordable Act. Changes would be make, again based on
outcomes and the costs of the system. Pilot studies would still move forward to see what is working
and what isn't.
Insurance companies could still enroll in the Exchanges with regulations for what type of plans could
be offered. The Individual Mandate would still apply. Individuals would be able to choose from
Private insurance companies and a Federal Government Public Option.
Employers would be rewarded for keeping jobs in the US. Their tax rate would be 10%.
Employers who send jobs out of the US would be penalized by paying a Tax rate of 35%. This rate
would be increased if these companies continue to make huge record profits by outsourcing.
No further Federal Government tax subsidies for business would occur on a regular basis.
Tax subsidies would be saved for stimulus in time of need only - when the economy is sluggish and
only for a temporary time period.
Tax subsidies for new and innovative ideas (ie) green energy would be offered to the People, not the
companies. If someone wants to put solar panels on their house, the subsidy to get the programs
tarted would be for the People, not the Corporation, to make a profit. They are a business, the risk
of their vision lies with them to survive.
Great change takes Great Minds, Innovation and Courage. This Country has forgotten this concept.
Instead, the model we've been using has been based on Money, Corruption and Coercion.
We do not have a Capitalistic Society, we live in an Oligarchy. This has to change
to a model of working together, taking care of each other and having Personal Responsibility and
Accountability with a Federal Government that protects those with less power, money, influence
and know how to work within the system by Regulation.
I realize that there will be a lot of people who disagree with these concepts - that's why being an American is awesome. We can all have our own opinions and express them. Other's have the same right to express their beliefs as well.